Mulch Madness!!

** update:  Mulch orders now due March 14 **

The annual mulch drive is underway!  The mulch drive is Troop 624’s biggest fundraiser.  Each scout is assigned a territory in the Arlington/Falls Church area in which to distribute fliers advertising bags of high-quality hardwood mulch.

If you are a scout in Troop 624 and are not sure about your territory, please let Scoutmaster Blincoe or Mr. McGuigan know!  This year, mulch orders are due by Thursday, March 14, and the mulch delivery day is Saturday, March 23.  Mulch delivery is a huge job — we need ALL the scouts and families to participate!  The funds from the mulch drive support our programming throughout the year and each individual scout gets “scout account” credits for his sales and for the hours he puts in delivering mulch.  Many scouts are able to pay for all their scout activities for the year from their mulch sales!  The mulch sold by Troop 624 is very high quality and we have many repeat customers.   For prices and more information, view or download the  2013 Troop 624 Mulch Order Form.

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